Last night, my friend Shelly and I went to the No Doubt/Parmour concert out at Sleep Train Amphitheater. My sister wanted to come and bring Jasmine, my 12 niece, but I kept saying no I don't think it's a good crowd for her. Well at it turns out there were probably more kids her age or younger than mine. The more I go to concerts the older I'm feeling as the crowd seems to get younger and younger. I guess I forget I was once 20 something and spent my summers going to concerts and probably just as obnoxious as the group behind us smoking pot all through the show (except I never smoked pot, just drank).
The concert was GREAT and I think I sweated enough to make up for the appetizers I had for dinner. No Doubt was so high energy and Gwen is a great motivator to get you wanting to workout again. Her abs are ridiculous for someone who has given birth, TWICE!
Unfortunately my concert high was quickly lost as it took us an hour to finally clear the parking lot only to get stuck another hour in traffic to finally get home at 2:30 (3 hours to make an hour drive). So this morning to add insult to injury I found that I must have tweaked my ankle from jumping up and down for almost two hours and felt like I was hungover even though I only had Pepsi.
This is how I know I'm getting too old for this.......