Well I know its been way too long since I've posted to my blog. Unfortunately it hasn't been due to a lack major events in my life. These last few months have been full of lessons. As most of you know I lost my sweet Maggie girl on Nov 13th. I won't rehash all the sad details, but I'll just say she has definitely left a huge hole in mine and Charlie's life. The house is a lot quieter and less lively without her following me room to room, staring at me and barking at whatever she deemed necessary.

The next bad thing to happen was dislocating my kneecap on Thanksgiving, while playing swordfighting on the Wii. Yes, I've heard all the jokes and laughter at me, but anyone with knee problems knows how easy and painful it can be. After a quick trip to the ER, I spent the weekend and many nights since with my leg elevated and iced. It's still not back to normal and will more likely require physical therapy as I'm still walking with a new swagger (or pimp limp), but hopefully will be walking normal soon enough.

The last bad thing to happen was having my house broken into the week before Christmas. Well tis the season for B&E (breaking and entry for those who don't watch cops shows). I guess they thought since I have decorated my house I would have lots of presents to steal. After trying to break the deadbolt off the door in the garage with no success, they were successful in breaking the bath window and setting off the alarm when opening the sliding glass window and running out the front door with my jewelry box.
As you can imagine my first thought was of course Charlie! It was dark out, raining and I figured when the alarm company told me my front door was open he was long gone. I don't know if it was by accident or the weather that shut the security screen door, but I think that is what kept my boy inside. That and probably fear.
Fortunately, they only took my jewelry box and a blanket, but it costs me more the sense of security then the actual cost of replacing the jewelry and broken door and window. The only good thing that has come out of these past months events is that I know what great support and help I have with my friends and family. I can never repay Lisa for all her help with Maggie. My sister tracked me down to let me know my alarm was going off as I was starting happy hour. My friend Sarah came right over to make sure Charlie was ok, along with my neighbor Elaine and my friend Shelly (and Bella). Sarah got her friend Mike to board up my window. My mom came down to stay with me and Charlie for almost a week while the house got repaired. My dad and Cindy first attempted replace my door, my friend Caitlin's dad and husband got the door to work. My coworkers threw me a jewelry party to help replace some of the lost accessories. And I've received a ton of support and well wishes others.

I will continue to update my blog throughout the year (hopefully better than I did last year). While 2010 did not end the way I was hoping, it made me appreciate the poeple I do have in my life and hoping for a better 2011. My motto will be a happier, healthier and wealthier life.
And here's hoping that for EVERYONE! Now if I can just get rid of this head cold......