Well it's that time again where we start a new year with all good intentions and make resolutions to lose weight, eat better and do more. And then by Feb those resolutions have been broken and you're sitting on the couch eating fast food in your sweats! So instead of making resolutions I'm going to try to set goals. As most of you know the last year and half hasn't been my best. I was full of optimism and thought the worst was behind me last New Year's Day, only to have it start all over again. I'm hoping my 2012 horoscope is right and this year I will reap some of the good karma I've been waiting for. http://shine.yahoo.com/astrology/libra/yearly-overview/20120101/;_ylt=AooXeWwEpeMr5J1ik.ahsBNebqU5
So here is my list of GOALs for the year 2012!

1. Recover completely from knee surgery. I'm right now at 105 degree bend and should be at 130. I was originally hoping to be there already, but it's taking longer than expected. So I will continue to stretch my knee and do my exercise homework and start strength training in the next month. They say it will be a year (August) to make a full recovery, but if I keep on doing the work at home hopefully I can achieve this earlier and be back in the game (Wii games that is)
2. Lose weight! I know this is everyone's and mine goal every year, but after a few recent games on the Just Dance and not being able to get through 2 songs without sweating or tiring, I feel it's just plain time to do something. My diet has been horrible this past year, as I figure I couldn't do much in terms of exercise with my knee. But that shouldn't stop me from eating healthier. So I plan to lose hopefully 10 pounds a month with the help of weight watchers, until I'm back in single size pants! I'm sure I'll have my share of setbacks like everyone else, but I'm at that age where health problems (knee issues, back pain and borderline diabetes) are becoming all too much of my daily life due to weight. Plus did anyone see those photos of me playing Wii, enough said!

3. Travel somewhere, even if it's just a weekend. Last year mostly due to my knee injury and financial problems, I realized I went NOWHERE that wasn't work related. Even my big plans for my 40th birthday fell through and I ended up just hanging with family and friends (not that there is anything wrong with that). I wish I could do a big trip to some exotic locale but I know that just isn't in the budget this year. But I'm hoping to at least go somewhere new (Like NEW YORK CITY with Lisa) and even somewhere old (Disneyland maybe in the fall with my TFDers). With this goal comes the parallel goal of being more financially sound. I'm hoping to pay down the credit cards that got a lot of use with surgery and to switch banks from big bad Wells Fargo to Golden 1 credit union. With an interest rate of 25% on my card, there is no way of paying it down, so I hope the credit union who isn't trying to profit off my debt will help me reach my goal.
4. Take more photos! It's been 2 years since I bought my digital SLR and haven't really used it or figured out how to maximize it's potential. Grant it taking photos usually goes along with goal #3 (Travel), but I did find there are plenty of interesting places to take photos of wihtin a few hours drive (see Preston Castle Blog). I used to go on photo safaris with my friend Rhonda and take some of my favorite photos. I realize I can do that closer to home and find new interesting subjects. And I still want to get into more pet portraiture, as I have lots of friends and family with great test subjects. I'm hoping once my knee allows me to squat or sit on the ground quickly (essential in pet portraits) to start calling up you all for some test runs. All that would be required from you is a clean animal with treats and toys to get their attention, who knows your dog can be my poster child for a new business.
5. Finally just be more creative! I used to be the crafty Martha Stewart of Natomas (Fonda gave me that nickname) but it's actually been years since I picked up a glue gun or anything else crafty. Until a recent shopping errand at lunch with Caitlin, I haven't been in Michaels for more than five years. It was then I realized how much I miss making things. Once in Michaels again I easily got distracted by the shining beads they have hanging there. I quickly borrowed my bead box back from Fonda and found a great site full of ideas (Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/ ) and fell back into making jewelry. I decided to make everyone a bracelet or two for Christmas (hoping to save money and do something unique). Instead I think I spent more than I should have and spent many weekends trying to figure out how to make these bracelets. But finally got into a groove and made some leather cording/chain bracelets that I recently saw selling at the mall. Everyone seems to have loved them and with a few practice ones I had more than enough to give as gifts and keep for myself. So I'm hoping to keep up with the jewelry making (Caitlin wants to go in on a craft booth as she makes awesome scarfs and sells them - Made with Love by Caitlin http://www.facebook.com/pages/Made-With-Love-by-Caitlin/164410740274146 ). We'll see if I can build up an inventory as I either keep them for myself or give them as gifts. But either way I'm glad it resparked my creative side and gave me something to do on the couch instead of just watching tv.
Well those are my goals for 2012. I was going to do a Top 10 list of goals, but I figured I should keep it more manageable and short. I'll keep you all updated on how I'm achieving these goals. And hopefully next year I'll have a new set of goals instead of the same ones over and over. I hope you all have a happy, healthy and wealthy New Year!
And oh yeah goal #6 - Keep up with my blog postings more (at least once a month)