As I spent the morning watering, hoping the hot dog days of summer are behind us and looking for to fall bulbs, I noticed the last of my Dahlia blooms. They are the variety called dinner plate Dahlias but mine are more like saucer size, probably due to the lack of food and water I've given them this summer. I love gardening and the results, but I'm just not that great at the watering part. I wait until I look out the window from my air conditioned house and see the sad stems beginning to bend down towards the cooler ground and flower turning in on themselves before I run out in a panic to save them with a drenching of water. I do much better with plants in the ground that are smart enough to find their own water resource and not rely on me. It's survival of the fitness in my yard.
But with the Delta breezes coming it reminds that fall will be here soon enough and a new breed of stronger drought tolerant plants will be planted hoping to survive the next summer.
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